Candice Kitchen {A Tribute to single women}
A fun shoot done in a beautiful location with a single (yes I said single ) gorgeous Candice kitchen , we decided to do this shoot as a tribute to all single ladies out there.
we feel so much emphasis is put into the media about being in the perfect relationship , like "how to tell if he's the one" and " 10 signs to say if he really loves you" blah blah blah it goes on , I feel and this is just my own opinion from my own experiences and witnessing a lot of my own close friends go through relationships of their own , that to be in a good healthy relationship with someone you need to first be single as how else do you discover how YOU are as a person?
as soon as you are in a relationship its no longer "me" its "we" and if you haven't yet discovered who you are as a person and I mean really discovered how is one supposed to become a "we" you would end up loosing yourself a little.
I've found that a lot of people go from high school relationships to university / collage relationships to being married so when does one discover the true you?
so the only message I want to send out there is if you are single ENJOY it discover yourself and the right someone will come along , don' feel bad or lonely ,rejected or dejected just be yourself and enjoy life. :)
PS all the different outfits are like a reflection on her different sides / personalities , so go ahead and discover yours :)and feel free to contact me on a quote to doing your own single's shoot ;)
The song dedicated to this shoot is 'Love myself' by Hailee Steinfeld